Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I always love the sound of crickets out in my backyard at night or when camping and never did I think I would get annoyed with the little guys, that is, until this weekend.

One of my neighbors down the hall has a lizard that he rescued a few years back and it eats a bunch of crickets every week. I saw him feed it yesterday, and I actually fed him some myself. I was surprised how quick this slow lizard was able to get those jumpy crickets. My friend says sometimes the crickets plan an escape and chew through the plastic bag before their ultimate demise. I think this happened yesterday... Last night before going to bed I looked across the room and saw something move on my pillow. Sure enough, it was a big cricket that looked awefully like the ones down the hall. (Don't worry Emma, I let it go outside) When I woke up this morning I heard a cricket chirping somewhere in my closet. I never found it, but it stopped after a short while so I forgot about it. That is, until just now, when it made its comeback somewhere else in my room. I can't find the thing for the life of me and everytime I think I get close it seems as if the chirp echoes and he moves across the room.

Luckily now he seems to have gone to sleep. Hopefully he doesn't decide to sing a song in the middle of the night or I might just have to bring in the lizard from down the hall to take care of him once and for all.


  1. Lol. Nice story, Eric. I'm glad you found the time to update.

  2. Thanks, Diep.

    Also, an update to the story: I found the cricket dead in the middle of my floor this morning. So much for a happy ending.

  3. ERIC!!!!! I'm so glad you blogged! I was going to offer to lend you my bug-catching net, but it seems the problem has been solved!
